
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

WIP Wednesday - 2013-Jan-16

I seemed to do more frogging than crocheting this week.  I would crochet several rows, then notice a split yarn or my stitch count would be off or something.  Then I would have to rip out and re-do.  So most of my progress doesn't show because I seem to be where I started.

1)Feather and Fan Shawl  - no change, but I took a picture

2)Entrelac-in-the-Round blanket - no change

3)Betty's Tunisian Tee - no change

4)slipstitch scarf - no change

5)My Bumbleberry Pie afghan - no change.

6)Pax shawl. - no change

7) Tunisian Multi Garment - no change

8)Hooded Capelet - I did get a bit more of the hood completed.

9)Test project for boot cuffs. This has been frogged and may be restarted now that I have a better idea of how the cuff needs to fit inside the boot.  So I guess this is no longer a WIP.

10)Ruffled headband without the ruffle.  The only thing left is to weave in the ends.

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