
Friday, April 20, 2012

FO Friday: 2012-04-20

Yay!  I have another finished object this week.  It is a shawl that I made to test this pattern.  It came out very pretty.  It's designed to use 1 100g skein of fingering yarn.  And it used almost exactly the whole skein.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WIP Wednesday: 2012-04-18

Only 2 WIP's to comment on this week.  The others had no progress.

Bumbleberry pie afghan - I sewed in the ends on the remaining finished squares.  Now I need to sew together what I've got and see if I'm going to need more or if it's time to add a border and finish it up.

And here is the Fuschia Fiesta Shawl Pattern that I am testing for a designer on Ravelry.  I've got 22 rows done.

Friday, April 13, 2012

FO Friday: 2012-04-13

Yeesh!  Friday the 13th.  But it hasn't been a bad day at all.  I did an hour of weight training this morning followed by 45 minutes on the stationary bike and now, 10 hours later, I feel like I need to go exercise some more.  Not very likely.  LOL

One project was finished this week -

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WIP Wednesday: 2012-04-11

I've got several items on the hook today:

This is a shawl pattern that I am testing for the designer.  Right now I'm on hold and waiting for the designer to get back to me with some answers to a couple of questions.

This is the swatch for the beginning of a Tunisian Sock-in-the-round CAL.  This is the pattern.

 No progress on this one this week.  I'm WAY behind in making squares for the Granny-a-day CAL.

This one is still languishing.  I've folded it up and put it in the pile on the cutting table.  Don't know when I'll get motivated to work on it again.   Here's a link to the pattern for the square.

I work on this one when I go to the laundromat.  It's almost getting too big to carry with me though.  Haven't been to the laundromat yet this week, so no progress.  Pattern is from the Interweave Fall 2011 issue.

Rats!  I've run out of the yarn for this one.  It was a cone from Pisgah & Co., that I bought when the closed their factory in North Carolina.  It's Peaches & Cream 100% cotton, but it doesn't have the same texture as the cones and skeins you can get at Walmart and other big box stores.  Not use what I'll do with it.  I could re-do it in a smaller size, maybe; or re-do it and add another color; or just frog it and save the yarn for something else.  Hmmmmmm.

Friday, April 6, 2012

FO Friday: 2012-04-06

I worked pretty steadily all week, but do not have any finished projects to show for it.  There are a couple just waiting to have ends sewn in, etc, but I just can't get motivated enough to do it.  Just so I have a picture posted for today, here's a FO from a few months ago -