
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

WIP Wednesday - What's on my hook today? - 2013-Feb-20

Everyone panic!!!!!! There's a storm coming!!!!  Snow! Blizzard! We're all going to ..... well, you know the routine.  Personally, I'll believe it when I see it, but I'm not going to get all excited and stressed out just yet.  Yeah, we might get a little snow, but I think I can survive it.  I got my nails done today and there's plenty of food in the pantry and frig; I've got plenty of piles of yarn to keep me busy and I know where my snow boots are.  I'm ready to hibernate if necessary.

I'm only posting the projects that I'm currently working on, since it's probably boring to post every WIP every time when most of them don't change.

1) My Bumbleberry Pie Afghan.  This one is getting close to finished.  I started working on the border a couple of days ago.  I am now on row 6 of 8 of the border.  Of course, it takes forever to get around it.  I am using the border from the Heartwarming Afghan.  I might get this one done by the weekend.

Here's a current picture of the afghan -

2) I'm currently working on a couple of test patterns for Ravelry designers.  This is the Over the River Scarf.  This pattern has some interesting short row work and cabling.  All that is left to do is sew in the ends.

3) Another WIP that I've been working on this week is another test, Sugar and Spice Round Ripple.  I plan to add some fringe or tassles, and of course, the tails need to be woven in.

4)  Just dragged this one out of hibernation.  It's the Pax Scarf.  I've got it laid out, ready to start blocking.  Then the ends will have to be woven in.

I'm getting soooo close to finishing these.  Hopefully nothing will distract me.  Oh, except I DID volunteer to test another pattern today.  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WIP Wednesday - 13-FEB-2013

It's been a month and I've been negligent in posting my progress and projects.  Life has been full of off-season bicycle training, family and other stuff, but I HAVE been crocheting too.

I'm only posting the projects that I'm currently working on, since it's probably boring to post every WIP every time when most of them don't change.

1) My Bumbleberry Pie Afghan.  This one is getting close to finished.  I started working on the border a couple of days ago.  3 or 4 more rounds and it should be done.  Of course, it takes forever to get around it.  I am using the border from the Heartwarming Afghan.

Here's a current picture of the afghan -

2) I'm currently working on a couple of test patterns for Ravelry designers.  This is the Over the River Scarf.  This pattern has some interesting short row work and cabling.

3) The final WIP that I've been working on this week is another test, Sugar and Spice Round Ripple.  I've just started this one.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

WIP Wednesday - 2013-Jan-16

I seemed to do more frogging than crocheting this week.  I would crochet several rows, then notice a split yarn or my stitch count would be off or something.  Then I would have to rip out and re-do.  So most of my progress doesn't show because I seem to be where I started.

1)Feather and Fan Shawl  - no change, but I took a picture

2)Entrelac-in-the-Round blanket - no change

3)Betty's Tunisian Tee - no change

4)slipstitch scarf - no change

5)My Bumbleberry Pie afghan - no change.

6)Pax shawl. - no change

7) Tunisian Multi Garment - no change

8)Hooded Capelet - I did get a bit more of the hood completed.

9)Test project for boot cuffs. This has been frogged and may be restarted now that I have a better idea of how the cuff needs to fit inside the boot.  So I guess this is no longer a WIP.

10)Ruffled headband without the ruffle.  The only thing left is to weave in the ends.